My name is Susannah. I am 34 years old,
I live in uk, and i am in Leicester part of the uk. I have splited up with my lover nearly 7 years. , and I am also lesbian,
but not looking for men in an relationship, just like men friends. I have came out to Lisa I'm lesbian and she accepts me,
she also has a new job now. This is what I look like above, I know its not perfect. My learning style is more visual
learner. I love to watch and able to learn. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters. I am an auntie, my nephew is 5
years old now, & his name is brooklyn. I did had older sister, she died of prementure. She would of been 4 years
older than me. My brother 28 was looking for work, but he did had some course which he got paid, it was called apex,
but he quitted, and last year he went on a course and did engineering. My brother also has now developed agrapbhoia,
hes afraid of the outdoors. My sister 30 is a student and she wants to do social science, I was
a student studying admin Level one and I contiuned on it. I have completed my NVQ Level 1 admin. I have completed
level one before christmas in IT. I have completed Level 2 computing. I have pass my exam Level 1 IT principles
and completed level 2 IT principles Exam. I have just finished BTEC computing course and and I am looking for
a part time job that i can do. I was helping to raise money for cancer research and did the walk on 29th June 2008.
End of August 2008 I did a course called ability works for people has disabilities or mental illnesses, its about people what
want to come back to work or looking for a job first time and i only did it for 3 days as it suppose to be for 2 weeks, i
couldn't do it coz my anxiety started to get worse and i didn't feel well. I suffer from panic attacks sometimes its severe
than other days can be.
My Disabilities
suffer from Aspergers Syndrome. I had aspergers syndrome all
my life since Birth, but I didn't realise i got aspergers syndrome until I was age 15, he told me I had it
all the time without even knowing, thats why I was acting strange as a child and my parents notice I was different. I
suffer from anxiety for over nearly 6 years and a half now. My sister that is 17 she has some kind of disabilities,
she has speech problems. My other sister 14 says she gets dizzy spells and shes in & out hospital getting test
done. I have also been to Youth Club at age 17, this is Heather and Me in the picture. It was for Autism outreach
2009 around summer I was referred to a social worker called Alison by my threapist, my threapist had to close my case because
she couldn't help me, my social worker already close my case. i get someone else like a disability service to help
me with my understanding. The disability team will help me go out more and get some voluntary work. Disability team reffered
me to Values, I do swimming and cinema group once a week. I do the theatre group monthly with them.
I am a veggie eater and that means i don't eat meat, coz i don't like it and another reason I feel
sorry for the animals.
My fave foods are vegetarian meals, Eg: Veggie Curry, Veggie pasta bake and my friends rice
pudding. I love Naan Bread.
I love vegetables and Quorn Ham.
My fave snacks are cheese cake, cheese scones and cherry scones.
My fave chocolate are after eights, galaxy and matchmakers.
My fave pudding is rice pudding or banana and custard.
My fave drink is strawberry milk shake and Still Vimto.

My Schools
Schools I use to go to was:
BarleyCroft School, Cherry Leas, High Leas Primary School,Craven Lodge and Ellesmere College.
Craven Lodge was a boarding school, I came in Sundays and then I went home on Fridays, and spended
the weekends at home. At Boarding School we use to go on day trips and once a week I use to go Brownies, it was like for girls
only scouts. It was fun. While I was up boarding school. I went Dentist and I had 4 teeth pulled out. It was painful and it
made me felt ill. Cherry Leas I heard on the news just has closed down recently. In High Leas I was bullied by 2 girls, they
once put soap and forced tissue into my mouth which wasn't so nice. I told my parents about them and my mother rang up the
school, and then they got in trouble the next day. After that both girls apologised to me and gave me some colouring books.
When I first came in college in 1999, I didn't enjoy it once, because those lads were laughing at me
and my cousin. They started to through Crisps at me and my cousin. I think they were taking fun out of the disabilities which
others or may not understand.
I was a full-time student at college on 16.25 General Education Course for one year, before that
I was on 15.25 on Transition Course for 2 years, doing different various of subjects, also options to choose from. Options
on that course we chose from were Smash Hits, Health And Social Care, Driving, History and Catering. We use to do Core Modules,
that is about telling about yourself and looking about yourself, we planned a holiday, just pretend, and we did some map work.
We also did I.T once a week, and also Maths, one group had I.T. First and another group had Maths, then after break we switched
lessons. i also had drama, it was hard for me to come up with ideas, so i was reserved in the group. I also had using reading,
it was about writing letters and learning sentences. I learned in Health and Social care was sign language and also been
practising First Aid. I did a pre-foundation course about computing. I come in college 4 days a week. I had Retail
On Wednesays, we took it in turns to work in the college shop each week. Now I am into Admin/OfficeWork. I am on a course
studying admin, I do 3 days a week, I did work experience every Thursdays for half day, but its finished now.
I use to like going in yahoo groups and updating them sometimes and reading the post.
listening to pop music, chatting on the net when i have the time, sending e-mails, sending yahoo e-greetings and
then send them to friends, movies, watching tv, going on my laptop, I like going on facebook, playing scrabble,
and other games like capsules on the pc, scanning pictures,keeping in touch with my best friend. l like poetry,
i get poems from friends of the net. I think some poems can be touchy, sad, happy or romantic. I collect keyrings,CDs and
arnoments.My best music is Britney Spears, Kylie Minogue, Sarah Whatmore, Holly Valance, Atomic Kitten, sinead quinn,
gareth Gates, Girls Aloud, Cheeky Girls and Christina Aguilera. I love this single called leona lewis bleeding love,
because it is also my girlfriends and my song we have chose together. I like mostly 90s music, some of the 80s,even i like
2000s, popular music. I like watching Casualty, Neighbours, Holby City, Coronation Street, Eastenders, doctors,
CSI, NCSI, You've been framed, animals do the funnist things and true films, horror it depends, thrillers and chillers,
action sometimes, comedies it depends.I watch videos sometimes,and i rent videos out.I still watch Alf, and we have it taped
on video. Now I like going shops with Lee my girlfriend. I sometimes go to jobcentre with Lee.
I spend alot of time with my girlfriend. We go for a walk to the park near me sometimes,
then go to other parks together but we don't do that anymore. We have dinner together and sometimes i cook or either sometimes
my gf cooks for me alot. I don't hardly cook for my girlfriend anymore. I go up my girlfriends most days now, we both watch
sky,video or a dvd. We watch DVDs and sometimes films on a channel, or either a programme. We use to play uno because
she lost all the cards, we have played monopoly and checkers. sometimes we go cinema, but not as much now because city cinema
closed down since January 2010, but now we go to another cinema just on special days.
My old hobbies: I use to ride my bike,play marbles,playing games,playing tetris, sewing,
collect window shadows,rollerskating,horseriding,colouring books,when I was small, uploading photos. When I was 1 yrs old,I
use to like playing with flowers in the garden,then when I was a bit older,I use to do daisy chains.I have a best friend called
Lisa, we use to go school together. We use to go to discos, Residentials with the school, it was Scarborough,I went to Butlins
before at the weekends and Germany. I shared a room with Lisa. Lisa & me use to go to parties. Lisa & me got
drunk once. I still keep in touch with Lisa sometimes,but she has her own live now, shes living with her boyfriend Simon,
Lisa is also happily married. I phone Lisa, send her e-mails, write her letters, Lisa & me have things in common.
These days me and Lisa don't hardly talk on the phone, I never chat to Lisa anymore as i think we have nothing in common like
we use too.
Holby Blue
This is programme is finish for now, it is apart of casuality and holby City, their is the related links on that site.
This is a daytime soap I watch at 1.45pm on weekdays.
Neighbours programme use to be on BBC 1 channel and now it comes on channel 5 at 5.30pm everyday in weekdays.
Coronation Street
This is coronation Street, I watch 2 eposides on Mondays, thursdays & 2 eposides on fridays.
This is eastenders programme, I watch it Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & fridays.
This is the one i watch sometimes when nothing is on.
The X Files
This is the one i use to watch alot.
School Dramas
Waterloo Road
This is the fave one i watch.
Grange Hill
This is about a high school programme that i use to watch a lot when it has been on.
Byker Grove
This is another high school programme I use to watch alot.
Kids Programmes
This is I use to watch when i was little.
Another one I use to watch when i was a kid.
Fraggle Rock
This one i use to like the most.
The Raggy Dolls
This is the one i use to really enjoy.
Rosie and Jim
This is another one i use to watch.
