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These are my Strenths and Weeknesses

My Strenths is Reading, Spelling, Sending Emails, Using the internet, Using the Computer, Photocopying, Using a fax machine, databases, word, IT principles, and working on my Own, but sometimes i need help with somethings as my weaknesses below.
My weaknesses is maths, communication but i can answer the phone in a office, when i had experience in a office at work experience for 6 months in 2006, speadsheets has improved on my IT courses, Art, socialising, using a map, I can get bus on my own to my partners place but i don't always have confidence, because now I suffer from panic attacks and dizzy spells.


These are some of the places where I went too when i went to Derbyshire.
This is Carsington Water.



This is Peak District Mining Museum and we visited, it was dark inside the cave. 

What a job!

This is Eyam Museum.

which lesbian stereotype are you - go on u wana know!!

kewl babe, You are a FUNKY Fem
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Places in Leicester

Farm World

Gorse Hill City Farm

Bradgate Park

Places outside Leicester

Black Country Museum

Cadburies World

Wicksteed Park

Drayton Manor

Alton Towers

Twycross Zoo

American Adventure