First Date
Memories from I use to go with my ex.
Me and my ex partner went on a picnic around August 2007 time, because before that i was on
holiday with family.
My ex partner was in charge of the food, she made salad sandwiches, cheese & onion quiche
and we both had crisp. We both had lemon meringue pie for pudding.
Then we both also listened to same music and realise we both like the same things as each other.
It was very romantic and sweet and not sure actually who kissed first.
3rd Date
Am gonna miss the 2nd date out because i don't want to put things that is too private.
We both met in town and we both went to the cinema to see The Simpsons movie and it was way funny.
We both munched sweets back of the seats and then afterwards we both went mcdonalds.
My birthday 2007
I woke up early and got my present from my mother, she got me betty boop fleece and also some birthday
money. My ex lover brought me for my birthday was love heart necklace, heroes chocolates and keyring for to put on my
Then my girlfriend turned up at 9am to take me out on my birthday and we both went on the bus together.
First thing we both went around town and I did some shopping for some clothes for my birthday and
my ex girlfriend helped me carry my shopping which was sweet of her.
Then we went to mcdonalds first coz the cinema was close until 1pm and then so we went back again
Stardust which we both enjoyed.
Also then we both went to abbey park halloween event which we found wasn't that good, coz there
was kids playing about and we had to leave earlier, then my ex gf got the bus back with me and took me home which was
nice of her.
Christmas 2007
After collge I met my ex girlfriend in town and we both waited for her friend about 2.30pm and it was very freezing
cold then and then we both looked around town and then after that we got the bus together, I had dinner up ex my girlfriends
house, we both had cheesy pasta and mashed potatoes.
Then we both went back to my place and i made a cuppa of tea in a flask to take with us before we left the house, to
see Carols in the park which wasn't bad and i had a mince pie.
Also by we got back it was 9.30pm and we both watched some tv for a bit then we went to bed as she slept over.
The next day we both stayed in for a whole day and she slept for another night because we both went to see the Puppet
show next day which was in the morning and we both had some chips, but the show wasn't that good. WE both went back to my
place to have lemon meringue pie and we both watched tv and she went home that day but came back next day.
The rest of the shows wasn't good neither. Then on wednesday we both went to see The Enchanted and we enjoyed it.
Valentines day 2008
Definitely maybe 
This is the movie i saw in cinemas with
my ex girlriend on 14th Feb valentines day.
Then we both went to mcdonalds, I had fries and vegetarian burger.
Then we both went back to my place and listen to some music and watched a bit of tv, and then had our tea, we had pizza,
and peas, then pancakes with bananas.
We also both had lambrini. My ex girlfriend stayed up mine until 9.30pm.
Easter 2008
The spiderwick cronicles
My ex girlfriend buyed me 3 easter eggs, they are maltesters, smarties and chocolate buttons.
We both went to the cinema to see the spiderwick cronicles on 26th March 2008.
It was a great movie and i really enjoyed it so much.
1st Anniversary

First thing my ex lover came up to mine at 9am and gave me my gifts and I gift her mine to her. My lover got me
a hangbag, dolphin arnoment and a candle set.
My ex lover first took a shower to be refreshed for me and she dressed smartly. My ex lover did the sandwiches
to eat in town and we both had egg salad and also cheese cake.
We both got the bus to the cinema and realise the cinema tickets to get in for free said they don't do those tickets
and wouldn't accept them and so instead we had to go for a walk in the park and then we went back and also we both had a take
away together. WE both had veggie gluten chicken, egg fried rice, and spring rolls and it was delicious.
Also ex my lover slept over mine and then we both watched a film called My Fat Greek Wedding.
My 29th Birthday
I went out with my ex on my special day, we both went to the cinema to see The Ghost town
and we both had a small picnic outside wilkinsons, we both had vegge pie, doritoes and veggie ham sandwiches and had blackcurrant
drinks. My lover made me a big chocolate cake and it was a halloween one.
Then after a long day in town we both went back to my place, and we had a take away, we had a chinese
it was veggie mushroom chowmein, and onion rings. We both had lambrini.
The Ghost Town