In High Leas Primary School, We used to do a few Work Experiences Modules, we taken them in turns to
do different tasters. I tried out Gardening, Working with Animals, and Catering. We also used to do some link courses going
to college once a week gaining some experience. I worked on photo room, it was quite dark in there. We also tried out some
metal work and but we had to be very careful of machinery. We also tried some wood work for 9 weeks module, we made
a magazine rack. I also once chose Health and Beauty, we did some practises with others hair and make up etc.
At Ellesmere College, I have first worked on Farm World did Catering, and realise after few days I
cannot do it, because of shortage of staff to keep an eye on me, so instead I did for work experience was Maggies Factory
sewing Cusines etc and using the overlock machine. I have also did before then is worked in a Nursery on Belgrave Road, I
was in year 11 then. I realise its not my kind of work. I also did one year for work experience was I worked out Goose Hill
City Farm worked with animals. I have once before tried out gardening.
I have worked in the college shop, i have been on work experience to scoop for 3 weeks.
I have
been this year on a work experience in Iceland and its a shop. The tasks i have done a home delivery, putting goods in customers
bags, stacking shelves, putting foods in freezers and fridges and helping the customers and i don't like them when they are
awkrod. I like doing the best the freezer food and helping customers when they are ok. I hate doing sweeping the sugar up
and i hate rude customers. Me and Mandeep didn't always get on and she was shouting at me and bossing me around in public.
That was dealt with.
I have worked in the college shop when I was on the transition course. I used the till
and serving customers there were best things i enjoyed. i didn't like the plastic wallets because they were to fiddley. I
also worked in charity scoop shop. I enjoyed tagging clothes, taking off, its putting them in recycle bags.
In 2003 March to April, I also worked in an office at my other college, I was on the 3rd floor. I was
doing clerical work. I also typed all these letters, use the photocopier, and also did letters and send them off. I enjoyed
it and it was tiring.
From January 13th 2005 till May 6th, I have been work experience working in the Learning Development
office at college. I am doing Admin Level one and will be continuing in the other year finishing my units off and get more
evidence. I have learned how to use the shredder Machine and also the Laptop. I have been collecting mail every Thursday
mornings and put them in the pidgeon hole. On the Last Thursday of my Work Experience I got some photos of myself. My supervisor also gave me some chocolates and a card.
At the moment now I do for work Experience I am working on one of the campuses as an adminstrator doing
level one. It is on the 5th floor in Student Services. I did in and out post, some filing, photocopying, faxing and sheradding
some papers. I also do the typing and check for messages in the mornings. I also used my supervisors computer when she was
in meetings and I answered the phone, then I wrote it in my phone log for evidence. I typed out letters and also spreadsheets.
I also payed students for EMA when they attended classes or be on time, it had to be done online system which was fun. I also
learned how to do databases, on one of my blocks I helped my supervisor sort out the booklets and leaflets and put them in
the boxes and send them out. i also done my 2 weeks block so far and now i've finished my whole work experience. I recieved
a card and 2 bar of Galaxy Chocolates from my supervisor. On those 2 week blocks i was allowed to go home at 12 noon and also
one off i stayed until 2:30pm to look after the office.