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My Fave lesbian stories

The Dull Surprise, by Blue Sleighty © January 1, 2005 MY SECRET OBSESSION
I My heart leapt with a sudden rush, and a big smile lit my face as I anticipated my new girlfriend, Joie's, return from Louisiana. She had been visiting her mother in Lafayette where all of her family had lived for many generations. I love Louisiana. I like the whole laid back attitude. The relaxed approach to life was more accepting and less stressful. And that was one of the things that I liked about Joie and the others in her large, good-naturedly-rowdy, family. There were nine siblings born to her mother, who raised them all by herself. All but Joie and her older sister remained in Lafayette surrounded by the love and care of their tight knit and supportive relatives. They were so laid back, though. that there were times when I thought that if they were any slower, they would be in reverse. And, although in no hurry, Joie was a perfectionist, very fastidious and sharp as a tack. She expected no less than top performance from everyone at all times. On this subject, we occasionally butted heads. I had a tendency to over perform, and then slack on my profits.
I had met Joie at a neighborhood lesbian bar, where I had been going on occasion for many years. Though our initial attraction was purely physical, I had grown very fond of Joie very fast. We had an intense and doubtful start, really. But, it was not long before our relationship firmed up and we realized our mutual interests, and soon we were together as much as life would allow. I don't know what I fell in love with first- her androgynous great looks, with shining jet black hair and eyes, or her intelligent, quick wit. She was funny as hell, and did outrageous things. And she liked to wear hats. A panama in the summer, and a fedora in the winter. She pulled it off beautifully, because she was the perfect build, and pretty enough. Tall and thin, with chiseled features. Large, dark deep set eyes, and full, soft lips surrounded by jet black hair, that chose to fall in ringlets, when it had its way.
Joie and I had a powerful electric current arching between us. Our attraction to each other and our appetite for sex kept us in a constant state of arousal, it seemed. When Joie crossed my mind, which was often, the excitement that shocked through often left me wet with desire for her. My active mind fought off intruding graphic images of sex with Joie- flashes of scenes from nights gone by, filled with intense pleasure and breathtaking passion. I could feel her touch, if I concentrated. I had to fight off the urge to indulge myself in the distraction. I fought to stay focused.
We were obsessed. The more sex we had together, the more we wanted- until soon, life's focus seemed to be our sexual desire for each other, and how to find time to have more of it. Every other responsibility seemed a resented intrusion on our private time together. We even scheduled our sleep to include sex before work, and after work. We just couldn't get enough of each other.
Our adventures in sexual pleasure grew to include, among many other things, a mutual love for strap on sex. Something that I had been very surprised to find that I enjoyed so much, before I ever met Joie. Discovering that this was a sexual interest that we shared made me very happy, because I had become doubtful that I would ever meet anyone else that liked strap on sex. Lucky for me, Joie's positive attitude and curious nature did not stop short before her sex life. She was a wonderful and receptive lover and she was always ready to try something new.
Joie called me before she left Louisiana and asked me to meet her at "our" bar. She expected to arrive back in town and at the bar, by 9:00 P.M. I couldn't wait to see her.
At 9:00, Joie's truck was in the parking lot of the G Spot, and I rolled my little Mazda up into an open parking space right beside hers. It was December in Texas, and at that time it was cold- though subject to change without warning, as always, in Texas. I hurried to get inside out of the chilling air.
I pushed open the swinging door at the front of the club. When my eyes caught sight of Joie, my face broke out into an involuntary smile, my cheeks dimpling deeply. I joined her at the bar, sitting at the chair that she saved for me, I'm sure with a certain amount of difficulty. Joie was very attractive, and approachable. She was dressed in a smooth, grey wool business suit, and she still had her coat on over it. Her shiny black ringlets were pulled back and tied loosely with a leather band. Whispy bangs accentuated the arch of her brows above beautifully sculpted cheekbones, and large deep set eyes. She had on shiny lace up oxblood spectators and suspenders, I was sure, under her jacket. I was wearing a lime green angora sweater, a short black, wool skirt, and black opaque tights. My black leather boots came up to my knees, making me look even taller and thinner, and my long black jacket contrasted with my shoulder length golden hair, and almost covered my skirt. Our reunion struck intense emotion which we repressed out of civility, even in a lesbian bar, but intensifying the heat that burned within us after days of separation. We looked into each other's eyes, and I could see my own lust reflected in Joie's shining black almonds, and something else. Deep feelings which we were afraid to empower by labeling with words. No one was ready to say it yet. Big smiles, with faces very close, but no kiss. Not right now. Neither of us liked to draw that much attention.
"You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman................." Aretha Franklin was singing it from the jukebox. Joie slipped down from her perch on her barstool. She pulled me along with her, out to the dancefloor. I rolled my eyes at her corniness, secretly loving it. My spirits were soaring. The next song was also written by Carole King. Someone was playing some really old tunes.
Way over yonder is a place that I know
Where I can find shelter from hunger and cold
And the sweet tasting good life is easily found
Way over yonder - that's where I'm bound
Joie and I danced beautifully together. I was so glad she was back home. We slid around the dancefloor in perfect step, correctly anticipating each other's every move. Our eyes enjoyed the sight of each other, and our arms enjoyed the familiar feel of each other's slim frames. Joie was taller than me.
"Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow", was the next song. We danced slowly together, moving closer, until our bodies were pressed tightly together. As I brushed against Joie subtlely, I felt a hard, bulge in her trousers as it pressed against my lower pelvis. I gasped as I realized what it was. My skirt was short, and the top of my thigh brushed again across the firmness of the firm strap on cock beneath her loose wool trousers. My cunt throbbed with sudden engorgement, as my blood rushed to it. Joie was packing. My look of surprise must have been hilarious.
But, Joie was not smiling as she looked with smoldering intensity into my eyes. Her pupils were so large that I could hardly see her irises. And her breathing was noticably hard and deep. I dared to push my pubis against Joie's package. Joie moved one hand down to my buttock, and pulled me towards her, as she thrust her hips forward grinding the mound she concealed against my sensitive pubis. She grinned a little before releasing her grip. I looked around to see if anyone noticed. No one appeared to be watching us.
I wondered if Joie could feel my heart pounding. Joie was an amazing and imaginative lover. Very confident and brave. Being with her was thrilling.
"I thought I could tease you, Blue. That was the plan, but, I was wrong. It's kind of........AGONY." She rolled her eyes a little, and smiled, holding back laughter behind a flashy white, straight smile. "I'm probably more excited than you are. It feels like I'm about to explode." She breathed in sharply and kissed me briefly, breathing, "I want you, baby. We're going to have to find a place to be alone," into my ear. Joie whispered into my ear what she intended to do to me, once we were alone. We were still on the dance floor. And, as I listened to her filthy words, I was barely able to control myself. I was on fire. And her breath in my ear sent shivers down my spine. "You like my little surprise, Blue?" Joie bit my earlobe HARD. I winced, but closed my eyes tightly, catching my breath as the pain turned into spreading warmth.
I nodded into her chest, burying my face against her in mock shame. My blood raced through my veins.
The way Joie was dressed, in a business suit, with an over coat, added a lot to the erotic element of our teasing little game. I loved the androgynous look of Joie. Beautiful, but damned handsome. And I knew that under her clothes she looked hot as hell with that cock strapped to her. Her dark features and thin muscular body complimented with chrome and dark surly leather was a work of art. The leather straps of the harness framed her round muscular ass and I could feel them under her clothes as I imagined how they looked. I loved to see her strong back arching to pump her hips forward when she fucked me. I imagined her on top of me, our bodies slightly damp with sweat, my legs wide apart, and drawn back, and Joie ramming our toy into me. Delicious scenes from our nights of sex played back in my mind.
The club was almost empty, because it was a week night, and not a holiday. Racine, the bartender, due to lack of customers, was taking advantage of the slack time, and was busy cutting fruit, preparing fruit juices and wiping down wine glasses that hung from racks above the bar, making herself three steps closer to out of there, when the clock said two. A cute little brunette, with short hair and a bare midriff waited for Racine to get off work. Occasionally Racine would stop what she was doing to pay some attention to the lady who was waiting. They would, no doubt, be visiting The Allen Park Inn, tonight, I thought to myself with a smile. Racine's roommate was straight, and she couldn't take women home. So when Racine wanted to spend the night with someone, she rented a room. They hardly noticed that Joie and I existed. A few other scattered customers sat together chatting, or sat engrossed in television, and munching on peanuts.
The bar in the rear of the club was not being used. On busy nights both bars were open. Mostly on weekends. It was closed, now. The lights were out back there and all of the customers were sitting at the front bar, where Racine and her girl of the moment awaited closing time. There were no customers sitting at any of the tables. I think we were starting to formulate a plan.
At the dark end of the street....played from the speakers overhead. We held each other on the dance floor, leaning back slightly. "You know, Blue, there's a bathroom over by the back bar." Joie nodded towards it, and grinned.
"Baby," I frowned, "that would be awfully tacky."
I protested, but, my mind played with the possibilities, and rationalization was easy with my cunt throbbing between my thighs. Soon it seemed like a great idea. "I'll meet you. You go first." I giggled, and Joie turned on her heels, in an instant. I watched Joie as she walked along the wall, mostly out of view trying not to attract any attention. I was standing close to the jukebox, so I put a dollar bill in it and made a show of searching for a few good songs. I played "Crazy Love", "Have a Little Faith in Me", and "Sexual Healing". And, then, I walked towards the front bathroom, but, then took a sneaky turn down the wall once out of view, and eased quietly into the secluded far rear bathroom where Joie waited for me.
Joie grinned. She had brought two chairs in from the foyer that they kept for people who were on the phones, which were just outside a door that swung in, separating the foyer from the bathroom stalls. She slipped one chair under the door knob, to bar the main entry door, and, the other chair, well- I'm pretty sure I knew what she had in mind, and I could hardly wait.
"Damn, Joie. Good work!" I whispered. Joie turned to face me, and I slid my arms around her waist. My boots brought me closer to Joie's height, and as my lips sought hers, her kiss was warm and soft and I had been waiting a long time to taste its sweetness. My lips parted, and her tongue met mine. Then, I was burning. My body ached for her to fuck me. Our kiss became hungry and frantic.
"Oh, Joie," I gasped, as I pulled sharply from her embrace. I unbuttoned her heavy coat, and drew it back, revealing her jacket. I unbuttoned it, too, exposing the front of her pants. There was a large bulge there, and I was ready for what was underneath her fly. I found her zipper, and unzipped her trousers. The big dildo was freed, protruding through her fly in an obscene and intensely erotic way. Joie's hand reached into her pocket, pulling out a lubricated condom. I wasn't so sure I needed more lubrication.
Joie pulled up the hem of my skirt, and put her hand between my legs. "You have on tights, Baby. Those are in the way." Joie fished into her pocket, and pulled out a pocketknife. She was always prepared.
"I didn't have any idea that you were planning anything so adventurous, Baby, or I would have dressed for it" I laughed.
"Oh. I think it will be O.K." Joie opened her pocket knife, and motioned for me to sit on the sturdy marble sink. I hopped up, spreading my legs wide. Joie pushed the sharp blade through the spandex, protecting my flesh from the sharp steel with her thumb. She kissed me, as she ripped the crotch out of my tights. I had not worn panties under them. Joie pushed the condom into my hand.
Just for the visual effect, I got down on my knees in front of her. Joie looked down at me as I knelt in front of her. She slipped her leather suspenders over each shoulder and unbuttoned her pants, letting the loose fitting trousers fall slightly down around the tops of her muscular thighs. I tore the condom out of it's package, and placed it over the end of the blunt head of Joie's big dildo. Then, I rolled it down the shaft, all the way to where the cock was held securely in the harness by a ring in the front panel. I could see black curly hair peeking from behind black leather. Lower, I could see her labia between straps of black, and wetness dampening the hair and flesh. I slipped my finger behind the harness and found Joie's wetness. Slick with her juices I found her clit and stroked it lightly. I could smell her salty scent. I fought the urge to lick my fingers. I had tasted her many times before, when I licked her clit and I loved her sweet juices. But, I wasn't sure how she would take such a graphic visual. I rose, and found Joie's mouth with my own, locking in a passionate kiss and still rubbing her excited pussy behind the base of her thick dildo with my hand extending down between her legs.
Joie reached for the remaining chair and placed it against the vanity. She sat down with her hips pushed slightly forward and her buttocks almost to the edge of the chair, and knees together, to make it easier for me to straddle her and to allow for a better angle of penetration as I swung a leg over her. Joie grasped the shaft of the dildo and guided it through the large hole that she had sliced through the crotch of my tights, (which was big enough not to interfere) with one hand, and guided it into my cunt, as I lowered myself down onto the thick hard shaft. It was all so lewd. But, with such a willing and creative partner I found myself engaging in acts that that were much wilder than my fantasies ever were.
I sighed heavily as the big, thick shaft penetrated my tight pussy filling me up to the hilt. I rested there a moment letting my cunt adjust to the size of the cock that I wanted so badly inside of me. With Joie sitting this way, all I had to do was lean towards her, and move my hips forward and back to slide the long member against my clit as it slipped in and out of my wet, gripping cunt hole. Joie bent forward and kissed me as we fucked urgently. She slipped her fingers behind the base of the dildo and found her own clit, adding more stimulation.
It felt so good I didn't want it to end. But, I knew we shouldn't linger for fear of being caiught. Joie pinched my nipple through my soft sweater. She rubbed her hand over the finely knitted angora, enjoying the softness. I looked into Joie's eyes and smiled, as I rode the dildo strapped to her pelvis. I was ready to come. I pinched Joie's nipple in retaliation, hard. Joie closed her eyes and shuddered, as she started coming. She gasped, and the the sound of her passion escalated my own until I, too, was shuddering with my climax. We rocked together, Joie's thighs squeezing her clit as it throbbed with drumming pulse, slowing as we regained our composure.
"Mmm" I cleared my throat. Joie fought to open her eyes. And groaned, as I rose from her lap. She grimaced. I'm sure her thighs were in agony from supporting my vigoruous ride.
"Let's go home, Baby." By home, I meant my place. We never went to Joie's because she lived with her sister. We straightened our clothes, and Joie unstrapped her dildo. She tidied it up a bit and placed it in an inner pocket of her heavy coat.
We emerged from the bathroom less concerned with discretion. The women at the bar cheered us, as we strode towards the exit arm and arm. We hadn't been as sneaky as we thought, apparently. We looked at each other, grinning, faces hot with our blush.

Goodbye, Heartache © October 2004
"BLUE!," my roommate, Dee, was yelling at me. "BLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE!," and then, SMACK!! She HIT me!

"OUCH! BITCH! WHAT THE HELL!?," I fought off her assault, and tried to think. Why is she hitting me, again? Oh, yes. She's concerned.

There was a huge lump in my throat. And, in an instant, my alcohol induced amnesia subsided, and let the memory of what I was having trouble accepting, flood back into my heart and mind.

I was a FOOL. I was an idiot. I was broken hearted over someone who I had only just met. And, I was being weak, and indulging in self pity. And, I had been like this for almost two weeks.

My roommate was getting very annoyed with me.

"Blue. Honey. You've got to get up off of your ASS, girl. You have been drunk for almost two weeks. You look HORRIBLE. I mean, I can't even believe this is YOU. You don't even KNOW this girl. WHY are you letting this thing that happened with her, get to you, like this?"

I got up off of the floor, where, sometime hours before, I had passed out listening to music, and drinking wine, and trying to analyze what the hell had happened. Why? Why? Why?

Dee could never understand what I was feeling. I wasn't so sure that I understood, myself. Alone. I am a loner who tires of being alone. And, sometimes, once in a blue moon- someone comes along that I "fit" with. And, I let myself have hopes, this time.
I felt so sorry for myself that I choked back tears.

I had met a wonderful, sexy woman. We made love together in a way that I had never dreamed possible. We really connected. I really liked her. She was knowledgeable and loved to talk about books, and music and IDEAS. And, she was so relaxed, and easy going. We had spent one very nice night together, and part of the next day. (for more about THAT, read, And the Morning Comes Around) I had enjoyed it so much, and I was certain that Joie, had enjoyed it, too. Everything was going so well. I thought.

And, then, she fled. She literally ran out of my home, saying that I was MAD. And, I still do not know WHY. And, I don't know if she meant mad, like crazy, or, mad, like angry.

My roommate, and I, did a thorough inspection of the premises, and have not ever been able to figure out what happened, why she left, or why she stated that I was "mad".

And, I was so bewildered and disappointed, that I allowed myself to sink into a terrible depression. I had spent the last two weeks drinking too much, and feeling sorry for myself.

"Blue," I can't let you continue like this," Dee said. "I'm going to have to do something, if you don't stop it." Dee was a cop. And, at that particular moment, she was in uniform. She was a menacing 5' 2" inches tall. I wondered what time it was. Dee was a rookie. She had just graduated from the police academy. And, she always had terrible schedules. And, I had lost track of time, days ago.

"Oh, yeah?," I scoffed. "and, just what do you think you are going to do?," I challenged. "Fuck you. Fucking midget."
I walked towards the refrigerator, deciding that I would have another beer, just out of spite. Telling me what to do seldom gets the desired results, when I'm being a horse's ass. And, I was definitely being one, at this time. I looked at the clock on the microwave. 5:30. A.M.? I wasn't sure.

I popped open the bottle of beer, turned it up, and drank half of it down. I glared at Dee. She had a little smirk on her face. I didn't like that little smirk. Fuck her.

I had to piss. I wandered off towards my bedroom, and used my own bathroom.

I was wearing men's silk boxer shorts, in a nice leopard print, and a black silk tee shirt. My favorite lounging wear, when I could get away with it.

I could hear something going on out in the living area. Maybe someone had come to visit Dee. I wasn't sure. But, there were some soft, muffled noises, like they were concerned about being quiet. And, THAT, made ME suspicious.

I finished answering the call, and decided I should go and see what was up.

When I opened my bathroom door, face to face, or, in this case, my face to their CHESTS, I was greeted by two HUGE men, dressed in black. In my own bedroom. I gasped, in shock and surprise, and uncertainty, and fear. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, before they got a chance to kill me, if that's what they had on their minds. Each man grabbed one of my arms, and they yanked me out into the floor. The sun was just coming up. The soft rays of the first light of dawn streaming through the cracks in my curtains afforded my eyes just enough light to make out the faces of my apprehenders.

Oh, shit, I thought. My ass is grass for sure. The faces belonged to the nice young men that used to come around here, and study, with Dee. WHEN SHE WAS IN THE POLICE ACADEMY.

Dee was laughing her ass off. "HAH! We've got your ass, now, Blue! Fuck, WHO? Tell me, now, Blue. Fuck WHO??!!"

The officers were not releasing their grip. Nor were they talking.

Dee barked orders "Take her out the front door!"

The officers did as they were told, lifting me like I was weightless, each man with a hand under one of my arm pits, and keeping MY hands and elbows immobilized, with their other hands. They faced forward, but I faced backwards.

"What the hell, Dee? Where are they taking me?" I protested. I really wasn't too worried, though.

"Wherever the hell I tell them to take you, asshole. They wouldn't have passed their exams, had it not been for ME. I was the only one in my class, who had a degree. They OWE me, girl. Now. What to do with Blue? Hmmm. Let me think. Oh, well, Blue, I thought you might like going for a little swim." Dee was laughing. She was really enjoying this. which pissed me off royally.

"For a swim? Where are we going for a swim, Dee? We have no pool." We had a great jacuzzi, but no pool. "And, surely you know that I will kick your ass, at my first available opportunity, should you foolishly choose to execute this plan, whatever it may be." I don't know who I thought I was fooling.

"Mrs. Davis across the street has been very worried about you. She told me to tell you to come visit, when you felt better. She generously offered us the use of her pool, and, I took her up on it. She knows you're coming. I told her that you would appreciate taking a little swim, before breakfast. Mrs. Davis said, that would be just fine. And, that maybe later today you could stop by for a little visit. Nice woman. Don't you think?"

"Yes. But, does Mrs. Davis know that the SWAT team, here, is bringing me? And, does she know I will be dressed in my underwear?"

"Follow me, boys." Dee led the way. "I doubt that Mrs. Davis would be surprised by much that we do, by now, Blue. Do you? I mean, really. If it weren't for us, she'd have died of boredom, by now. Bless her heart."
Out our front door, and lining the street were 3 patrol cars. The neighbors would be wondering what was going on. Those that didn't know that Dee was a cop, anyway. We lived in a very nice house, in a very affluent neighborhood. It was owned by Dee's father who was an oil executive. But, he lived in Saudi Arabia, and would probably never come home, except for holidays. Dee and I split the expenses of the upkeep. Our relationship was very close, but did not include sex. We were great as housemates.

My feet dangled, as I was carried by under my arms, across the street by two huge, police officers. Dee picked a path across the street, up our neighbor's driveway, through our neighbor's rear gate, and into her backyard. I glanced up towards Mrs. Davis balcony, off her bedroom, on the second floor of her home. I couldn't SEE her. But, I swear, I could feel her.
I thanked God, daily, that my bedroom, and the gazebo, were not within her view. Mrs. Davis got the R rated version of life on our side of the street. The X rated stuff, was well obscured from her good natured and curious view. But, there was ALWAYS SOMETHING going on.
And, now, here I was, in my underwear, about to get deposited into her lap pool, by two armed, and armored police officers. I braced myself for the inevitable, and prayed that the water was heated. It was late October, and the temperatures were cooling off, in Texas.
"Alright, officers. Drop Ms. Blue into the water, in the deep end. I want her hair WET. Make sure that she does not emerge from that pool, for at least 15 minutes. This is for therapeutic purposes." Dee stood by, arms against her chest, thumb clasped in her fist, elbows close to her sides. "MY therapeutic purposes, that is. HAH!"
"Gyad, Dee. Come off it. I'll go peacefully. I know when I have been had." And, I really did mean it. I felt loved. Dee went to a lot of trouble, to bust me out of my funk. I was ready to get over it, and move on. Really.
I took a deep breath. The officers dangled me over the deep end of the pool at a safe distance from the edge, and then just released their grip and dropped me in. I plunged in deep, as I was feet first, and I dropped pretty much straight down, cutting through the water with little resistance. I grabbed my nose, trying to keep the water out.
"Mission accomplished, guys. Let's roll before we're missed by the station." Dee watched me under the water and retreated with her associates, as they hot footed their rookie butts back to their patrol cars.
The water was cool. Not terribly, though. Just enough of a shock to my system, to do me some good. I pushed off of the bottom of the pool, a little, and stroked through the water, towards the shallow end. I could hold my breath for a long time. I had a pool, all of my life, growing up. And, I was on the swim team, in high school. I gave it up for the rodeos- but, that's another story.
I made it to the shallow end of the pool, and part of the way back to the deep end, before I came up for air. I tilted my head back, upon breaking the surface of the water, to keep my hair back. I wiped the water out of my eyes and nose. My vision cleared after a few blinks. I looked around, and I was alone. I heard the gate close. "Bye, Blue!"
Dee, and her fellow officers were gone.
I loved that young woman.
I got out of the pool. Of course, no one had thought to bring a towel. I walked, dripping, back across Mrs. Davis's meticulously manicured lawn, through her rear gate, back down her long driveway, and across the street, to the house where Dee and I lived together.
I went in the door, peeling off my wet clothes, in the foyer. I wadded up my stuff, and carried it with me, naked, wet, and dripping, towards the first available towel. I decided to go through the formal dining room, and through the kitchen, and across the 36 foot den, to my bedroom suite.
I closed the door behind me. I poured myself some water, and found some aspirin in the medicine cabinet.
I decided to go to sleep. Because, when I got up, I was going to take a shower, and get dressed, and go out. I was through feeling sorry for myself. I was being ridiculous, anyway.
I reminded myself, that if I was going to give in to the opportunity for casual sex, that I needed to remain detached. And, if I couldn't be adult about it, then I didn't need to be fooling around like that.
I put on some pajamas, toweled my hair dry, and got into bed. I fell right to sleep.
Later that night, the G-Spot (my favorite lesbian bar) was packed with people, and rife with possibilities. I had awakened from my nap, with a whole new attitude. I was in the mood for some conversation. I made my way across the crowded room towards the bar, and I found a bar stool. A petite, blond, with long, straight hair, sitting on the next stool was someone that I knew. I also knew someone that she used to date. She had been to my home, on many occasions, for social gatherings. Very nice to run into her. I ordered a diet cola from the bartender.
Juanita was the blond's name. She had been in the Army. She and I shared a love for horses, and an aptitude for mechanical reasoning, and sometimes we tackled tough projects together. I was pretty feminine looking, but I wasn't a helpless female. We had done a brake job on her truck, once, when she was broke, and couldn't afford a mechanic; built a 35 foot wood privacy fence, with a custom gate for her girlfriend's house, and some other things. We had plenty to talk about.
After an hour of non stop chit chat, I had to visit the bathroom. I made my apologies, and started for the ladies room.
My heart leapt, as out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joie, the woman who I had recently been so bitterly disappointed by. She was at the other end of the bar, and across from Juanita, and me. Had I looked that direction, before, I would have noticed her. But, I was engrossed in conversation, and had not seen her.
I did not look at Joie. I did not turn my head in her direction, or hesitate, or indicate in any way that I had seen her. I was dead smooth. And, I continued towards the bathroom, as if I was completely unaware of her presence.
I remained cool, and thought hard. In the bathroom, I decided that I just wanted to do the right thing. And, while I am rather an exhibitionist, and somewhat of a wildwoman- I respect people, and their privacy, and their boundaries. I do not push myself on others. Nor do I wish to hurt anyone. So, I decided to be over it. Joie had as much right to be in the bar, as I did. And, if she didn't want me in her life, that was something I just had to get over. And, the bar was big enough so that we could stay out of each other's way. And, I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of seeing me react. And, I wasn't about to embarrass myself, or act like a fool. I was so glad she didn't know how hard I had taken her ........rejection....for lack of a better word.
So, I visited the ladies room, and returned to the bar. (YES. I washed my hands.) And, I resumed my conversation with Juanita, never mentioning a single thing about Joie, or what had happened with her, or my behavior over the last 11 days. Juanita and I talked about breaking a couple of my dad's colts to ride (my dad had/has horses), in the spring. My dad, and his ranch hand were too old to do it, anymore. We agreed to start working on the colts in March. It was now late October. Juanita talked about her ex girlfriend, and brought me up to date on what was happening in their lives. We talked about EVERYTHING but Joie.
Juanita and I chatted for two hours. Finally, Juanita decided that she needed to go home, and we bid our goodbyes, with promises of seeing each other soon.
Juanita left out the back door. She lived close by, and had walked over. I decided to leave, too. And, I went out the front door, where my little red RX7 was parked.
I sorted my keys out on my ring, and found my car key. Before I could get it into the lock, I heard someone call my name.
"Blue." It was Joie. She had followed me out of the bar. I remained calm.
I looked up, and waited for her to say something. She didn't. She just looked at me.
So, I opened my car door, preparing to get in.
"Wait, Blue! You're not even going to say anything to me?" Joie's hair was black and shiny, under the bright lights of the parking lot. She wore grey wool slacks, with a vest over a light sweater.
"What would you like for me to say, Joie? Apparently you are offended by me, and did not think I was worth trying to understand. Now, I'm trying to respect your space. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just trying to leave you alone."
"What is with all of the guns?," Joie asked.
The guns? So THAT was it? I guess we did have a lot of guns laying around our house. But, Dee was a cop, and she liked her guns. And, I was raised around guns. My father educated us about guns. The difference between a rifle and a shotgun, and the power behind all of their various calibers and gauges, and how to use, disassemble, and reassemble both, and all about ammunition, with its various powers, tips, shot, etc.. Pistols, and automatic weapons, too. I have fired an AK-47. My dad had a gun collection. So did both of my brothers, and, I guess, just about everyone else that I knew. And, they all hunt, shoot targets, and go to shooting ranges, and shoot skeet. We were taught gun safety from birth, and taught how to shoot a .22 rifle, by the time we were 5 years old. I, personally, have always kept a shotgun, and I love to shoot skeet. I have a Remington 870 Wingmaster 12 gauge shotgun. In my bedroom. So, I don't give guns a second thought. Unless, of course, I'm at the wrong end of one. The more I thought about it, the more I kind of didn't believe that was "it".
"The guns?," I hoped for clarification.
"There are guns all over your house. It scared me to death. I don't know you, Blue. And, frankly, you're pretty weird. But, I'm sorry that I left the way that I did. Now, I'm sorry, anyway. At the time, well....."
"Well, Joie, sometimes being weird is not a bad thing."
Joie walked over to me. She bent to kiss me. I let her, for a second, but pulled back. I tried to remain detached.
"Joie. I hesitate to go any further than this." I looked at the ground. I reflected on the last two weeks.
"I'm going with you, Blue." I looked up at her. She looked me in the eye. I looked back. Neither of us smiled.
I walked around the back of my car, to the passenger side, and opened the door for her. I wasn't so sure that this was such a good idea. Dee was going to be pissed, after putting up with me, for the last 11 days. And, then, here I go, again.
I walked around to my car door. Joie had unlocked it for me.
Sometimes you've just got to say, "what the hell."
It was a short ride home. Which was good, because we rode in silence. It was midnight. I had not had any alcohol. And, I was confused. I was reluctant to be excited. Things felt so heavy, I even forgot to turn on the radio. So, Joie punched the power button. Savage Garden's "Truly, Madly, Deeply".

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love be everything that you need.
I'll love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do ...
Joie quickly changed the station. She landed it on Sugar Ray's "Fly"
I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby, put your arms around me baby I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby, put your arms around me baby
I just want to fly-
That was more like it.
We pulled up into my driveway, leaving Dee room to go around, and pull her car into the 3 car garage, when she got home. Joie opened her car door, before I could go around, and open it for her. I let her catch up with me, and I took her hand, and we walked up the brick path to the house.
Once inside, Joie was eager to kiss me. She put her arms around me, and pulled me close, and kissed me long, and deep. Her tongue felt good and familiar. Her arms fit so nicely around me. I had longed for this. I had not dared to let the desire for her formulate into an idea to torture myself with. But, I had craved her. And, I burned for her, now. And, I surrendered, right then, to my desires.
We went through the dining room, and then through the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of wine, and a couple of glasses.
"I'm sorry, Blue. I'm sorry I left the way I did. But, I hope you understand. I'm not used to having guns around. In my world, guns are only used for one thing. They are equalizers. My mom was single. Divorced. She raised nine of us. As you can imagine, life got hard, sometimes. Some of my brothers have been to prison. I associate guns with violence. Not sport, or law and order." Joie explained, as we walked towards my bedroom.
"Joie. I will put my shotgun in the closet, if it will ease your mind. It has been my experience, that most intruders will leave, upon hearing that unmistakable sound, of racking the pump, on my 12 gauge. It is here, solely for our protection, and to blow up an occasional round of clay pigeons."
"Blue. Make love to me," Joie requested, her voice hoarse. Her words were unexpected, and the shock of her request sent a jolt of sudden, intense sexual arousal through my body. I caught my breath. She looked at me with a smoldering look that I could not refuse. Not that I considered refusing. Her eyes burned into mine. The next thing I knew, we were in my bedroom.
I put the wine on a serving tray, on my big, mahogony dresser. I pulled the cork with a corkscrew, and poured a glass, and handed it to Joie. She took a drink. I poured a glass for myself, and carried it to my night stand. I went to my desk, and turned on my ultra bass boom box. I loved the lows of my subwoofers. The blues sounded so good that way. I powered up the music, and Jewel sang, "Have a Little Faith in Me".
We undressed. Watching each other. Any inhibitions that we had ever felt with each other, were gone. This time, I remembered to offer Joie some hangers. lol
We got into my bed, wearing only our underwear. I sighed, "it feels so good to hold you." And, we moved our bodies tightly together, enjoying the closeness. Memories of the last night I spent with her, tripped across my mind, elevating my excitement at her presence. I wanted her.
It felt so natural and comfortable to make love to Joie. I lay beside her, propped up on one arm, kissing her, and caressing every inch of her skin, with my wandering hands. I enjoyed her curves, and her smooth, cool, flesh under the touch of my hand.
"Touch my pussy, Blue. I want to feel your hand, down there. I'm so hot for you, Blue," she whispered in my ear. Her words turned me on. I moved my hand, where she wanted it to be. I rubbed the mound of curly black hair, through the fabric of her panties. The crotch felt damp. I slipped my hand under the elastic of her underwear, and pushed my hand further down, pushing my fingers between the folds of her fleshy lips. Her cunt was soaking wet. She really was excited. Joie rolled over onto her back, raised her hips, and slipped her underwear off.
"All I've been able to think about since I last saw you, was how good it felt, when we were together. How good you made me feel, when we made love. I wanted to come back. I think maybe the guns were just an excuse. I might have been more afraid of the way that you make me feel, than I was afraid of the guns in your house. I was kind of embarrassed. I'm sorry Blue."
"Yeah," I whispered, "I thought your excuse sounded a little lame." We bothed laughed.
For some reason, her apology brought tears to my eyes. I fought them back, and wiped them away, before they were noticed. I hoped. How uncool would THAT be? I fought back emotion. I tried not to be in love with her.
"Kiss me, Blue," Joie whispered. There was an urgency in her voice. She wanted to fuck. So did I. I kissed her. Joie's tongue sought mine. My hand moved back to her hot, wet, pussy. I parted the springy hair, and found her clit. She moaned her pleasure, and moved her hips. "Put your fingers in me, Blue," Joie grabbed my hand in hers, and pushed my fingers into her cunt, squeezing her legs together. She thrust her hips upwards, pushing my fingers further inside of her, while her clit was pressed hard against my hand, by her vice like thigh grip. "MMMmmmmmm," she moaned. "Oh, my GOD! That feels so fucking GOOD."
Joie released her grip on my hand, parting her legs, exposing her pussy, and allowing me to stroke her clit. Her excitement was mounting. My fingers were still slick with the wetness from inside her hot, tight pussy, where they had just been, thrusting into her. My heart was pounding against her breast, my breath quickened by my passion, as my excitement intensified with each stroke of my fingers. My own cunt was throbbing, and I was dying to feel Joie inside of me. I couldn't believe she was back in my bed with me. I was ecstatic.
I guided Joie's hand down to my cunt. She knew I needed to feel her touch there. The desire and anticipation was too much to endure. She slid her fingers deep inside of me, easily going in all of the way in, with no resistance. My cunt was soaked, too. She fucked her fingers into me. We faced each other, side by side, kissing, and stroking our fingers into each other's pussy.
When Joie's fingers pushed inside of me, it raised her excitement to a different level. She was right on the edge of coming, I could tell. I rolled Joie onto her back, and kissed her, my fingers still inside of her. I bent my head down to find her erect nipple. I sucked the bud into my mouth, and let the nipple slide in and out between my lips, sucking enough to keep it in my mouth, as I moved my head. I rolled her nipple with my tongue, and nipped it hard enough to hurt just a little, with my teeth.
"AAaaaahhhhhh!!!," Joie cried, in pleasure, "I'm coming, Blue. God." Joie's body stiffened for an instant, before she was shaken by the spasms of her climax. "Ooooh, baby."
Joie's climax sent me over the edge, too. I pushed my cunt hard against Joie's thigh, thrusting rythmically as my own cunt spasmed in clasping, throbbing orgasm.
Joie rolled over on top of me. She rubbed her cunt against mine. I parted my legs a little, to allow better contact. I could feel her still swollen clit, still exposed, actually touching my own clit, which was swollen from it's own orgasm. It was such an erotic feeling. Breasts to breasts. Clit to clit. Her mouth locked with mine in a passionate kiss, as our hearts slowed to a normal beat, and our muscles relaxed.
As we lay spent in each other's arms, my mind wandered to cosmic places, and a thought occurred to me, which I felt oddly compelled to communicate.
"Joie?," I whispered.
"Yes, baby?"
"You know how sometimes you meet someone, and it just feels like you've known them forever?," I asked sweetly.
Joie hesitated before answering with a tentative "yes?"
"Well," I said, "that ain't us."
Joie started laughing. I laughed, too.
"Yeah, baby, but we fuck like we've known each other forever," Joie defended.
We were both quiet.
"Well, that's a start," I said, grinning in the darkness. "It'll give us something to do, while we get to know each other." Joie snuggled against me. The stereo was playing Ann Peebles "I Can't Stand the Rain". We drifted off to sleep.

The sunlight came barging in far before we were ready for it.
Waking up with someone whom I have only just met is always an awkward experience for me. It's bad enough with someone that you know and love.
My bladder felt like it was about to burst. My breath........well.....going to sleep with wine in one's mouth produces a mighty foul morning breath. I was afraid to yawn. Might cause an explosion.
I eased out of bed, trying not to disturb Joie, the woman who had shared my bed with me the night before. Naked, and not bothering to find my robe, I stumbled across the carpet to my bathroom, and grabbed the mouthwash bottle, before I sat down to take a leak. I fumbled the child proof cap off, opened the bottle, and turned it up........and, about that time....Joie just walked right in. Startled, I spewed mouthwash over the entire bathroom, and choked half to death. Joie and I both started laughing, when I was able to breath, again. "oh, lord, don't make me laugh," Joie said through her chuckles, "I'm about to pop," she said, crossing her legs. She had to piss.
Once composed, I croaked "good morning", grabbing a towel, to wipe off some of the blue liquid. Joie sat down, as I was getting up, and reached to take the bottle of mouthwash out of my hand. Mouth full of defunkinator, she handed the bottle back to me. I took another pull, too.
Joie got up, and spit mouth wash into the sink, and rinsed it down the sink. "Do you have a real toothbrush that I can borrow?," Joie asked, washing her hands.
"Sure, girl. I'll find something for you." I opened up the bathroom closet, and went to a box I have for occasions when I have unexpected company. In the business I was in, I frequently had people staying with me. It was part of my job.
I book music acts. But, I don't do it like the big guys. I have personal associations with musicians, that I have made over time, and circumstance. I book these musicians when they are going to come through Texas on tour. Often, they have "dead time", where they have a day or two between scheduled performances. When they know that they are going to be in town with "dead time", they come and stay with me for free, and I book gigs for them into small venues where they would not ordinarily play, and they get paid CASH. The musicians are happy because they get to spend some time in a real home (and, it's free- no hotel bill, AND, they get unreported cash), their managers are happy, because I keep them out of trouble, on schedule, and entertained; and the club managers are happy, because they get great acts that would not normally be able to book. Everybody wins. Especially me, because I have a great time, and make plenty of money. And, I find it very entertaining. I also am a stand in bartender for many bars in town.( Like, a temp.)
I found a toothbrush in the box, turned, and handed it to Joie, who was now at the mirror, washing her face.
"Feel like a shower?" I asked, smiling brightly. I moved in next to her at the mirror, and grabbed my own toothbrush. My HAIR! It needed some attention. We both kind of smelled like smoke, from the night before. We had met in a bar. I squeezed a little paste out of the tube, and then moved out of the way, so that Joie could comfortably finish what she was doing. Then I brushed my hair with one hand, and my teeth with the other.
"Care to JOIN me in a shower?" Joie smiled slyly, looking at my reflection behind her in the mirror. I really liked this girl. What a cool lady. My imagination ran wild, as I considered the shower. Joie was such an attractive woman. Tall, thin, and dark, she was about two inches taller than my 5' 6". Maybe a bit more, even. My heart skipped, as I remembered the passion from hours before. I smiled at her, and raised my eyebrows.
She didn't have to ask ME twice.
We'd had sex for the first time, the night before. It was late when we got to sleep. I had made love to Joie, and then we fell asleep. Not that I was keeping track, or anything, but, it was my turn next. lol And, I was really looking forward to it.
While Joie was tending to her concerns, I went to the kitchen to tend to mine.
I could see that we needed provisions. I opened the refrigerator. There were 4 bottles of Veuve Clicquot, my favorite champagne. Yum. Some strawberries. A cantaloupe. Grapes. Cheese. Looked like breakfast, to me!
I got a bowl, and filled it with rinsed strawberries. Then, I cut up and cleaned the melon, and threw in some grapes. I put the champagne bottle in an ice bucket, and grabbed a couple of flutes. I figured out how to carry it all in one trip, and, loaded with necessities, I started for the gazebo.
Joie saw me coming back through the house. "I thought we were going to take a shower," she said, looking at me with a puzzled look.
"Oh. We are. Reach into that closet in the bathroom, and bring some towels, would you?" I continued to the gazebo. Joie got the towels, and followed, obediently, wrapping one around herself. "We're going outside?" she puzzled. I remained completely naked. "And, flip that power switch on the stereo, would you?" I asked her on the way out the french doors. "BLUE! Shouldn't you put something on, honey?" Joie urged. Futilely. The neighbors couldn't see anything.
Speakers throughout the house, and in the gazebo came alive with music, with a flip of that switch. "She's as sweet as Tupelo honey..........," Van Morrison sang, "she's an angel...........of the first degree.........." Very nice.
One end of the gazebo was enclosed for privacy. At that end, there was a big jacuzzi tub, and a shower. I turned up the jacuzzi's pump, and bubbles began to churn and bubble as the water started to circulate harder. It would be warmed up, by the time we got out of the shower. "Oh, wow!" Joie exclaimed, when she saw what my plan was. MMMMMmmm!! This is GREAT!," Joie gushed. "You have such good ideas," she kissed me on the cheek. I thought so, too. I was lucky.
After a minute or two of getting the jacuzzi operating properly, I decided to open the champagne. I peeled off the foil wrapper around the neck, exposing the cork. I'm going to save this cork, I thought to myself, silently, for a souvenier. I popped the cork out, and stuck it in the bucket, so I wouldn't lose it.
I poured champagne into the flutes, and handed one to Joie.
I raised my glass, "to excellent times," I said with a wink. I clinked Joie's glass, and took a sip of the champagne. Joie drank, too, and then bent nearer to kiss me lightly on the mouth, ans smiled, warmly.
I put my champagne glass on the edge of the jacuzzi tub, and walked to the shower. I turned the water on, and let the water heat up, and then motioned for Joie to join me.
I stepped under the warm water, and let it run over me. It felt WONDERFUL. I watched Joie's slim frame, as she made her way across the deck to join me. The sight of her excited me. The shower massage beat water down on us in it's rhthymic pattern, and we held each other close, and enjoyed the flowing water, and the flowing emotions. Van Morrison sang, "It Stoned Me". We danced slowly in the shower, bodies swaying together to the music, sharing the warmth of the flowing water.
I pulled my head back to look at Joie. She looked down into my eyes, and then kissed me, long, and deep. I loved the way Joie kissed. It was thrilling. Being with her. Being outside in the nude. The champagne. All was right with the world.
Soon, I felt Joies hands, slick with soap, sliding across my skin. "MMMmmmmm". I relaxed, letting her hands slide all over my body. It felt so, so good. We slid against each other, enjoying the slick sensation,with each pass of our bodies exciting us further.
We parted, sighing deeply. We both laughed. Quickly, I grabbed the shampoo, and lathered my long, blond hair. Joie soaped hers, too. Her back was to me. I watched her working the lather through wet black ringlets. A small pool of soap collected at the base of her neck. Soon, gravity won, and a thin, winding, rivulet of white soap, contrasted against her olive skin, began to trickle in a silver stream, slowly down her graceful back, following the curves, taking a sharp turn at her buttocks, and then continuing down the back of one muscular thigh, and to the calf, until it finally reached the the shower floor. The sun turned beads of water on her skin into a zillion tiny prisms. Suddenly, I was on fire.
Joie turned to catch me watching her with my pupils dilated, and my nostrils flared, taking her in, and loving what I saw. (In case you didn't know- you can tell if someone is attracted to you, if their pupils dilate, when they look at you, and REALLY turned on, if the nostrils flare)
She smiled, as she rinsed the soap from her hair. I stepped under the water, and began to rinse off, and felt Joie put her arms around me. I smiled. I felt my hair. No soap in it. I opened my eyes. Joie gave me a little smile.
Joie reached up, and pulled the shower massage from it's mount. She was behind me. She aimed the pulsing jet of warm water at my shoulders, letting the it beat my muscles. She moved the stream down my back. Then, she looped one arm around my waist, and pulled me closer to her, my back against her, With her other hand, she guided the shower massage down between my legs.
A jolt of pleasure shot through me, as the water found my clit, bringing some guttural, animal noise, that I hadn't heard before, from my lips. From behind me, Joie kissed my neck. I could feel her bush against my butt, almost in the small of my back. Joie continued with the assault of the water on my clit, kissing me, and holding me. Caressing my skin, her body pressed firmly to mine. Then , she moved her arm from around my waist, and reached up to find my breast. She squeezed it gently. She found the nipple and pinched it lightly. I could feel myself getting closer, and closer. God, it was so, so good.
That pinch sent me over the edge. I turned my body around towards Joie. She put her arms around me, letting the shower massage dangle, dancing, and spraying water, as it swung free, around our ankles. I pressed myself tightly against Joie, kissing her deeply, and pressing my pussy against her thigh, as the last waves of my orgasm shuddered through me. I could hear John Lee Hooker:
"........ and talk that talk,
and whisper in my ear,
tell me that you love me
I love that talk
When you talk like that,
you knocks me out,
right off of my feet
Hoo hoo hoo
Talk that talk, and walk that walk
Boom boom boom boom...."
and I was thinking, I could fall in love with this woman. I felt my heart pounding against her. I parted with a sigh, leaning back a little. "Ready for a little champagne, ma'am?" I whispered. I urged Joie towards the jacuzzi, turning off the shower.
We stepped carefully into the tub, and sat together, side by side on the bench, warm water churning, and bubbling all around us. We leaned against each other, sipping champagne, and enjoying the strawberries.
Suddenly, Jewel was singing, "You Were Meant For Me". Someone had changed the stereo. My roommate was home.
"Uh, my roommate just got home."
Joie gasped. "I'm getting dressed." She scrambled out of the jacuzzi tub, and wrapped herself in a towel. I politely followed. I would have just as happily stayed in, though.
I grabbed a towel, and walked ahead of Joie, making sure that she had a clear path to my bedroom, without running into my roommate, Dee. The way was clear, so, Joie hurried into my room to dress. I checked in with Dee. We didn't run across each other that much. I was usually in a club, or out of town, and Dee was a brand new cop, just out of the academy. She got all of the shit schedules, and no pay, which meant she also had to work extra jobs to make ends meet. Dee and I lived in this fabulous house that was owned by her oil exec father, who was in Saudi Arabia. We didn't pay rent, but the upkeep of such a home was EXPENSIVE.
Dee didn't have any news, and was exhausted. She listened politely, as I told her about Joie, and our wonderful time together, and how much I liked her. But, really, she just wanted a hug, before showering, and crashing. I obliged, giving her tiny frame a squeeze. There should be some law against allowing such a tiny woman to be a cop, I thought to myself. I worried about her constantly.
I heard my bedroom door slam HARD. Joie was glaring at me, anger all over her...........or, maybe it was fear...........she was upset.
She strode across the large den, shirt tail out, french cuffs flapping, still buttoning the front of her shirt. She only hesitated for an instant, on her way out the front door, and that was to say this one thing:
"You're MAD," was all she said, with a glaring, angry look, as she bolted out the front door. I could see her through the window, dialing her cell phone. Calling for a ride, I guessed, as she walked down the street with a very determined, quick gate, suspenders hanging down, and french cuffs rolled back.
I was standing in my formal dining room, wrapped in a towel, peeking through my drapes, in total shock. I didn't think it wise to try to stop her, for some reason. Mrs. Davis, across the street, was watching the whole thing from her balcony, sipping a glass of orange juice, and reading her paper.
"What the hell?" I turned around to see if Dee was still there. She was. She was such a turd, sometimes.
Dee started laughing. "Well, it didn't take you long to fuck THAT up." She was damned near rolling on the floor. I was completely bewildered.
"Alright, Ms. Officer, Ma'am. Let's go try to figure out what just happened, here,." I suggested. We went to my bedroom, to see if we could figure out what had offended Joie so much. And, what she meant by, "You're MAD".
After a thorough investigation of my room, and much discussion, and analysis- we still could not figure it out. It could have been nothing, or everything. She was in my room alone for a long time. I guess I would never know. Good lord.
I was crushed. My heart was sinking, deeper, and deeper, until I thought that I would cry.
"Damn, Dee. I think I fell in love with that girl." A tear ran down my cheek. My face tightened, fighting back my disappointment. My throat was tight.
Dee opened the refrigerator, and pulled out a bottle of fume blanc. She pulled the cork out, and poured us each a glass of wine.
"Come on. Let's go watch 'Xena' tapes, and take a nap." Dee pulled me along by my hand, and grabbed a big blanket, for us to wrap up in, on the soft carpet, in front of the big screen television. She grabbed the remote phone, just in case someone called. She knew I'd be hoping. Not that Joie had my number.
Dee was a great roommate. We piled up in front of the television with blankets and pillows. Dee's little dachshund, Scooby, joined us. And, we distracted ourselves, until my troubled mind drifted off to sleep.

A First Night Together © 2005 MY SECRET OBSESSION
I had decided, as I got dressed that night, that someone would be accompanying me home, when I returned. And, I couldn't wait to meet the lucky girl- whoever she may be. I had not had sex in six months. I was feeling a little tense.
I admired my biceps, through my tight, long sleeved henley. I worked out every day since I moved in with Dee. I was happy to be seeing the results of all of those pushups. I was in good shape. As I inspected how my butt looked in my new jeans in my full length mirror, my adorable little house mate poked her pixie head through my bedroom doorway. She was so tiny, it was hard to believe she was a police officer. We were an unlikely pair. I was ten years older. We were just roommates. Strictly platonic. She had her friends, and family, and I had mine. We got along great as house mates.
"Whoooooooaah!, Blue! Look at you!" she grinned. She paused for effect, before adding, "You look like SLUT!" She was trying to provoke me. Dee loved to provoke me. She tried to provoke me, ultimately, into a physical FIGHT. She loved a wrestling match. It helped her stay on her toes. Being a cop included physical altercations. I grabbed a 5 lb. hand weight from the floor, and pumped my arms up, just a little bit more. I really hoped that Dee would leave me alone. I grabbed a 20 lb. barbell, and stood on my toes, and raised and lowered myself up and down, pumping up my butt, and calves. Yep. Sometimes I'm vain as hell. Dee rolled her eyes at me, and retreated to her own room. She was dressing for a night out, too, I realized.
I couldn't take the time to buy into her game. And, since it appeared as though Dee had plans for the evening, she would probably behave. I recalled visions of Dee before my LAST date. She jumped on my from behind, and gave me a HICKEY before I could fight her off of me. RUINED my chances of intimacy. Bitch. I wondered if Dee was just trying to get ne to drop my guard. I was on a mission! It was Saturday night, and I was feeling great, and looking pretty darned good, too. I was going to go to my favorite lesbian bar, to hang out for a while, and then, I was going to go to a friend's band's gig, at another little local club. And, then, if necessary, I'd go back to point "a" (my favorite lesbian bar), and hang out a while longer. With hopes of meeting the woman of my dreams. I was feeling cocky and confident. I anticipated a very enjoyable evening, no matter what happened. I felt so great, that I doubted anything could change it.
I ignored Dee to the best of my ability, grabbed my bag, and shot out the front door, to my car, which was parked out in the driveway, in front of our house. She didn't follow. Yay! I loved her, but, she was a pesky little thing, sometimes. Dee could be pretty outrageous.
I cranked up my little red RX7 (I was temporarily truckless), clutch in, and let the car roll backwards, out of the driveway, and into the street. Then, I shifted her into 1st gear, and let her rip, out of our neighborhood. I loved where we lived. Our house was a huge, split level, ranch style. Three big bedrooms, and three baths. Formal dining. A huge kitchen with a breakfast area. And, the biggest den I have ever seen. The carpet was extra padded. It was great for entertaining. It was also great for working out. We had a beautiful garden in the backyard, with a big gazebo, and hot tub. And, tonight was perfect hot tub weather. Dee's dad, who was an oil executive, owned the house, but, he lived in Saudi Arabia and would be there indefinitely, so Dee and I lived in the house, and shared the expenses of running the household. Dee, as was already mentioned, was a cop, and I was a booking agent for musical acts, and occasionally, a bartender.
It was October. The weather was perfect. Clear, and 75 degrees, under a starlit Texas sky. My sunroof was open. My music was cranked up. I was listening to Jonny Lang. "Lie to Me". I love the blues. I love MUSIC. I like hip-hop and rap. Jazz. Alternative. And, being in the music business, I have seen everyone from Cannibal Corpse, to The Dave Grisman Quintet, but, the blues are what moves me.
I rolled up in there just about the time that Jonny Lang was singing "I got my clothes in a matchbox. Gonna forget about you...."
I parked my car and entered the bar. I walked through festive the crowd, smiling at familiar faces, and made my way to the bar. I found a vacant barstool, and took a seat. I reached into my pocket, and wrestled a $20.00 bill out, while I surveyed the room. There were a few familiar faces. I saw a group of ladies that I knew playing darts. I always shot great darts with them. I thought about joining them. And, then I thought about the fact that I would have to go back out to my car, and get my darts, and probably lose my barstool, in the process...I heard a "harumph", as MJ, the bartender, cleared her throat from the other side of the bar. "Hey!, Blue!", she shouted for my attention. I frequently felt like smacking her. Now was one of those times.
I turned around, and laid my $20.00 flat on the bar. "I would like a Michelob", I requested. I preferred wine. But, the markup on wine pissed me off. I would rather go to a store and buy a whole bottle, and stay home and drink it with someone special, than to pay for what they charged for 2 glasses at a bar, WISHING I was with someone special. It was such a blatant rip off. So, when I went out to bars, I drank beer. It was more of an honest mark-up. There are some things I don't mind spending my money on. Alcohol is not one of them. MJ, the bartender, took my money, and returned with a cold Michelob, and my change. I put a dollar in her tip jar, knowing what it's like to be a tipped employee. Even though she was comically rude, surly and obnoxious.
I stood, and turned my back to the bar, to look out over the crowd. I leaned back, resting on my right elbow, and holding my beer in my left hand. The pool tables were full. I watched a pool game, and listened while the jukebox played an old Barry White (God rest his SOUL!) tune, "Practice What You Preach". My beer tasted wonderful. I LOVE beer.
And, then...
This woman walked in.
I had watched her as she walked across the parking lot, and into the bar. And, now, I could see the front door from where I stood. She stopped at a booth to speak to a group of people. Then she started towards the bar. She kind of saw me, as she started to approach. I saw her look me up and down, and then glance at my face. I don't think she expected that I would be looking right at her. She looked somewhat embarrassed. I just smiled. She walked straight up to me.
She had a cocky look on her face. I assumed a cocky posture, myself, readying myself for some bullshit.
She was tall, and thin. Taller than I, and I am 5' 6". Her hair was solid black, and very long down the back. Shiny. Down to her waist, and in ringlettes that she had undoubtedly tried to convince to be straight. With no success. Curls will be curls. And hers insisted. But- they were silky with no frizz, and hung long. Her face was very attractive. Very handsome. Her look was androgynous. And, it was quite an erotic picture, she had created. Her clothes were men's business attire. Tailored, pressed, cuffed slacks, and crisp, white, starchy shirt. She had on leather suspenders, and shiny, lace-up dress shoes.
I looked pretty casual next to her, in my curve hugging jeans, and tight, white, henley, trying to show off my muscles. And, Cole Haan riding boots. She looked very "natty", I thought. In a very sexy way.
She got very close to me. She was at least 2 inches taller, I could tell, then. "How are you doing, tonight?" she asked me, and then added, "With your fine self..." she winked at me. And, with THAT, I could tell from her accent, that she was from Louisiana.
She turned towards the bar, and leaned over to tell the bartender what she wanted. She counted out enough money to cover what she had ordered. She had bought several drinks. I was kind of disappointed. Because, that meant she was going back to join her table of friends. I looked at her and sighed. She didn't notice.
The woman picked up her round of drinks. She smiled at me, and then took the drinks to her waiting friends. And, out of my realm.
I thought that would be all of that. And, went back to checking out my possibilities.
But, to my surprise, she came back. She strode back across the bar, to where I stood. She stood in front of me, her hands in her pockets. She looked down at my face, smiling. It was a long moment. For some reason, it did not feel uncomfortable, like it often can. Internal chemisty, maybe. I smiled at the thought. Her eyes followed the outline of my golden blonde hair, before looking into my green-blue eyes
I broke the silence. Kidding her. "So, you think I'm fine, huh?" I poked her shoulder, a little, with the palm of my hand, smiling.
She nodded,"yes" silently, looking very serious. I thought she was very funny.
Suddenly, I felt a little nervous. She was kind of forward. I turned towards the bar, breaking eye contact. I ordered myself a beer, and ordered one for my new friend, as well. She moved right in, next to me. I felt confident that I would get over it.
"My name is Blue", I extended my hand to her, in introduction.
"Blue?" she looked at me like everyone else does, when I introduce myself, and I could see her deciding it was a nickname.
I got my driver's license out of my back pocket, and handed it to her. Blue Blue Sleighty. That is my name. I kind of know what the hell they were thinking when they named me that. It had something to do with a private joke between my mom and dad, and my dad's favorite color, and drugs and alcohol, I would imagine, were in the mix, somewhere, knowing mom and dad. But, it turned out to be quite appropriate, because if you say it fast, it sounds like "Blue Blues Lady," (and, as I mentioned before- I LOVE the blues, and my job was booking musical acts). She verified that what I said was true, and handed back the card.
"Yes. Blue." I mumbled. I took my driver's license back, and put it in my back pocket. I enjoyed that weird little thing about myself. No one else ever seemed impressed.
"Well. That's different." she laughed. She extended her hand to me. "My name is Joie."
"No. Joie. J-O-I-E," she spelled for me.
"You are from Louisiana?"
"New Orleans ," she nodded. "Howdja know?" she threw her head back, tossing curls even farther down her back, and laughed a throaty laugh. DAMNED sexy. Joie had the blackest hair I had ever seen. And, black eyes, too.
I took her hand in mine. It felt nice. Strong. Long fingers. Very warm. I flirted, "I LOVE Louisiana. And, I love Creoles. Nice to meet you." I looked into her eyes. "What do you do, when you are not out looking for trouble, Joie?" I smiled at her, and felt the chemistry between us. Something I do not often feel. I was excited about the possibilities. I really liked this woman. Her style, carriage, her sense of humor. Her look of intelligence. Wit. And, a big, straight, white smile, with full, delicious looking lips.
"Oh, hell. You know. Read. Music. Festivals." She turned and looked at me, slyly." Sex." Flirting back. She waited for a reaction. I couldn't think of a good one. I kept my composure. "Come with me to the bathroom, Blue," she suggested, with a twinkle in her eye. Joie turned and tightened her hand, which was still IN mine, around mine, and pulled me along with her. I let her.
We cut through the crowds, and cut between the dart board, and the dart players, and across the crowded dance floor. They hated on us. Joie was leading the way. I hoped this wasn't cosmic foreshadowing. lol We reached the foyer in front of the bathroom, which was on the other side of a swinging door. It was lined with payphone stalls, and vanities. It was very dark. Beyond, was another swinging door leading to the actual bathroom, where there were toilet stalls, and hand sinks, and make up lighting.
Joie stopped in the darkness of the foyer. She moved close to me. She bent towards me, closing her eyes. We kissed. Our lips together. Then, parting, a little. Our tongues soon found each other. The tips touching tentatively. Joie's tongue, then growing bolder, and entering my mouth. My body pressed into hers, and my breath quickened. We parted, to look into each other's eyes. There was fire there. She said "You kiss me just the way I want to be kissed."
Other people started coming through.
"Let's go to my house", I said. Joie nodded. I wouldn't be going to hear that band, after all. Darn. Hah!
We left the bar in my car. Joie began to worry, a little, about what she was doing. Leaving with me. A stranger. (We met at 10:00 P.M., we left at 10:45 P.M.) With my weird name. And, my red sportscar.
"Don't worry. My housemate is a cop." I tried to reassure her. That didn't seem to help.
Fortunately, we were home quickly. I pulled my little car into the driveway. I leapt out, and opened Joie's door for her. I could see that the house impressed her. Aha! I worked on that. I led Joie down the path to the back gate. I took my key, and released the deadbolt, and pulled open the gate. I pushed Joie through the gate ahead of me. I heard her gasp, a little, in appreciation. It really was beautiful. The landscape was well lit. I took Joie's hand, and led her down the moonlit path to the gazebo. There was a table and chairs in the gazebo. A citronella candle was in the middle of the table. I found a chair for Joie, and then found a match, and lit the candle. The candlelight revealed the hot tub.
"This is great!" Joie seemed to be getting over her fears. She looked around, taking in the garden, and the gazebo, and the patio, and the french doors, beyond, that led into the den, and, just inside, and to the right, my bedroom.
"You know? It's kind of cold." Joie said. "Can we just go inside?"
"Oh. Sure. Come on in." Joie blew out the candle. I led the way through the french doors. Joie had a seat on the white leather sofa, and took in the room. I went to the kitchen, and returned with two wine glasses, and a bottle of white wine. I hit the stereo button. The CD player started playing "Soundtrack from Waiting to Exhale". My roommate's. I hoped it would be over soon. I liked that CD, but, there's a time, and a place for it. And, this wasn't it. I was pretty sure that "The Commitments", was next. "Dark End of the Street". Joie was looking at a hand carved teakwood room divider. I wasn't too clear on that piece. It was Dee's.
"This is a beautiful place", Joie remarked, looking around the room. An etched glass wall separated the kitchen from the den. The white sofa and loveseat were arranged in a group, close to the back door. That left a huge, wide open expanse of soft, carpeted floor. We never bothered to try to fill it with furniture, because we used the area to work out. But, the television, housed in built in cabinets, was 25 feet away from the sofa, which was rather inconvenient. "Thanks. I really like it, here," I replied, from the kitchen.
Whitney Houston sang, "Why Does it Hurt so Bad?"
I sat a wine glass in front of Joie, on the cocktail table, and put another glass on the table, where I thought I would be sitting. I poured wine into each glass, sat the bottle down, and joined Joie on the sofa.
I moved close to Joie. We each took our glass, and drank the cold wine. The alcohol relaxed us. We both knew what we wanted. Joie kissed me. The bathroom. We really wanted a bathroom.
"My bedroom is right beyond that door", I whispered to Joie, "and, there is a bathroom in there, too. Do you need to go as badly as I do?"
"Yes!", she whispered back. "Let's go in there." She got her wineglass, and the wine, and led the way into my bedroom. Up two steps. I tried to remember if I made the bed before I left. I was happy to see that I had.
I opened the bathroom door for Joie. I glanced at the toilet paper. Yep. Plenty. I gestured for her to go in. While she was in there, I hit the power button on my boom box, and lit some candles. The room was dark, except for the candle light. The room was filled with the scent of sandalwood emanating from the candle. The radio was tuned to a light jazz station. Kenny G played his saxaphone. "Even if My Heart Would Break".
I turned the bed back, and locked the doors. It was a big suite with private bath. It had one door out to the main hallway, and another door out to the den area, close to the back door. It was a nice set up.
Joie emerged from the bathroom. Her french cuffs were uncuffed, flapping long, over her hands, cufflinks safely tucked away, somewhere. Her trousers were off, and she wore aqua and black high cut sports briefs. I entered, the bathroom and left Joie with some privacy.
When I returned, she was in my bed, waiting for me. Aqua and black high cut sports briefs, on my chair, at the top of her stack of neatly folded clothes. I should have offered her hangers, I thought. I had undressed in the bathroom. We had both used mouthwash, and washed up a bit, because it had been smokey in that bar. I appreciate things like that. lol
Boney James was playing Ain't No Sunshine..........................................................the loooong version
©2004 My Secret Obsession
Taking Joie into my arms felt so comfortable. We were both eager for sex. And, we were both relaxed about it. Joie was very sensual. She loved kissing, as much as I did. We pressed our bodies together. I could feel her springy bush against my thigh. I ran my open hand down her side, down to her buttocks. I felt the roundness, and enjoyed the smooth skin, and the firmness of her muscles. I ran my hand, further, over her body, her curves exciting me with every smooth, satin, stroke.
I traced my warm hand over her skin, down to her wet cunt, and pushed my fingers between her lips. She rolled onto her back, and spread her legs, allowing me to spread her cunt lips, and stroke her clit. My mouth sought her nipples, while my fingers rubbed her clit, using her own juices to make her clit slick.
I pushed my fingers inside of her. She was unbelievably tight. I slid one finger in and out of her cunt, and carefully pushed in a second one. She moved her hips to meet my fingers stroking into her. I fucked her with my index and middle finger, and used mythumb to touch her clit.
I moved down, between her legs. I found her clit, and sucked it into my mouth. I pushed my tongue flat against her clit, and rubbed it up and down, while I stroked my fingers in and out of Joie's tight pussy. Then, I explored her pussy with the tip my tongue. Tasting her juices. Tracing the lips. Running my tongue around her clit, into the crevices between her clit and her labia. I pushed my tongue inside of her, as far as it would go in. Then, returned my attention to her clit, again, licking and licking, up and down. Joie was enjoying my attention, her juices flowing, hot and wet. Her breathing was hard, and accentuated by her excitement. I could feel her blood pulsing under my touch. I teased and stroked, and excited her, getting high on the whole experience of being with Joie, and every moment, my own excitement mounted. I was so turned on. I was lost. Time had no meaning. The world was gone. It was just Joie and me, caught in a surge of passion, in some other dimension, far away from the distractions of our realm. And, every sound, and taste and smell and stroke of Joie's attentive hands seemed amplified above the normal intensity of perception.
I moved back to her side, and kissed her, while my fingers continued stroking her clit. And slipping inside of her tight hole.
"Fuck, that feels GOOD!" she whispered. "Don't STOP!" She was in no danger. I had not even considered stopping. I kept stroking her pussy, enjoying the way her muscles felt, clutching me. Her hips began to move up and down and she began to sigh, as she fucked my fingers. "You made me come, Blue" she gasped. She moaned and kissed me, and locked her thighs around my hand, my fingers still inside of her. Squeezing, as her pussy convulsed and throbbed. "Fuck! That's good. You're such a good lover, Blue".
I loved it when they said that. lol I squeezed her tight for a while.
I loosened our embrace. I got a wine glass from the bedside table, and filled it with wine, from the bottle we brought with us. I took a big gulp, and passed it to Joie.
"Are you in a hurry to get anywhere, Joie?" I asked. I was looking forward to waking up with Joie.
"I have no other place that I need to be." Joie took a long sip of wine. I was very happy with her answer.
We both got up to go to the bathroom, and, I blew out the candles, and then got back into bed. We snuggled, and sipped wine, until we were a little buzzed, and sleepy. Then, as John Coltrane played, "They Say It's Wonderful", we dozed off to sleep, kissing, and cuddling. It WAS wonderful.

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I hopefully you enjoy the stories I added. I keep updated on those.