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My Disability

Hello All, I know some of you been curious what is AS mean, this is my disability I have and your welcome to share your's too and discuss this, it would be a great discussion about our disabilities.  I had a few people online IM Me and didn't understand my AS before and then i just cut them off, coz i felt rejected. I've also joined a website for As called and i posted a message so i can have some friends with AS too besides the groups i use in yahoo, that may help me more too and they may able to relate to me and i know there is different degrees of AS or autism.  Also there is no cure for AS and I will have this throughout my life, I'm saying this, coz not everyone knows this lol. Thanks. Susie
We are a group of parents who have a family member diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (AS), an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our children range in age from 3 years to adult. We hold regular coffee mornings and evenings, information sessions and seminars on Asperger's Syndrome. Many people really enjoy getting together for a chat, a laugh and sometimes a cry about their family member who has AS, in an understanding and supportive environment. 


Asperger's Syndrome: What is it?

Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) which falls within the Autism Spectrum. The main features of this disorder become obvious during early childhood and  remain constant throughout life although adaptation and degree of actual disability vary. It is very rarely recognized before the age of three and is more common in males than females.

Some Common Features of Asperger's Syndrome Children

    • Excellent rote memory
    • Absorb facts easily
    • Generally perform well at maths and science
    • Generally anxious and unable to cope with any form of criticism or imperfection
    • Can be the victims of teasing in a school environment, which may cause them to withdraw into isolated activities
    • Often appear clumsy and may have an unusual gait or stance
    • Often seen as a bit odd and/or eccentric
    • Often have the appearance of good language but may have limited language content and poor social understanding
    • Generally attend ordinary primary and secondary school
    • While children with Asperger's Syndrome have many of the features of the syndrome in common, they may vary enormously in other ways
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Difficulties are Observed in the Following Areas


The child usually speaks at the age expected. A full command of grammar is usually acquired. Content of speech may be abnormal, tending to be pedantic and often centring on one or two favourite topics. Sometimes a word or phrase is repeated over and over in a stereotyped fashion. Usually there is a comprehension deficit despite apparent superior verbal skills. Non-verbal communication, both expressive and receptive, is often impaired.

Social Interaction

There tends to be impairment in two-way social interaction due in the most part to an inability to understand social behaviour. A lack of empathy with others and little or no eye contact may be evident. The child appears to be stuck at the egocentric stage of social and emotional development and therefore these people perceive the world almost exclusively from their own point of view.

Social Behaviour

Social Behaviour is often naive and peculiar. They tend to become intensely attached to particular possessions. They engage in repetitive activities and are resistant to change, coping best when life is predictable. They are rigid and prefer structure and may concentrate exclusively on matters in which they are interested. They may appear non compliant as they have difficulty taking direction and coping with negative feedback.

 Profile of a Person with Asperger's Syndrome 

The typical person with Asperger's Syndrome is a 'loner' who never quite fits in because of eccentric behaviour, peculiar ways of speaking and a lack of social skills. He or she may be interested in social relationships but lacks the ability to understand and use the rules governing social behaviour. He or she may try to make contact inappropriately, e.g. ignoring contextual cues or expressing inadequacy aggressively. 

People with Asperger's Syndrome may graduate from regular schools and hold down jobs, but they are often disadvantaged by their odd behaviour and resistance to change. They have difficulty establishing relationships and children often refuse to return to their homes to play with them. Older children may over time withdraw from the uncomfortable interactions which characterized their early years and retreat into the safety of their family or even isolate themselves from their family. They may feel rejected but do not  understand how their behavioural responses contributed to their isolation.

Also i like to mention if anybody doesn't accept me, then don't email me to judge. Because all this years i had has been difficult for me.

This is link for anxiety.


First of all I've been in touch with social worker that was referred by my threapist at my doctors surgery. Next thing was i am referred to disability team services by my social worker, because to explain how they can help me to get out more and overcome my anxiety feelings and panic attacks, but now at the moment i'm waiting to hear from social services about mencap to see if they can be more helpful help me to get a volunteering job in future then maybe part time work.

I have added a link of aspergers syndrome, incase you wonder what it is.

Asgersers syndrome Site