On Monday 19th I went to outdoor pursuits from 10am-2:30pm. First thing when we got
there we went into the main hall leaving our bags behind and I didn't really wanted too.
Then next thing we did is went into groups. I chose to do canoeing
all morning. This support worker asked me do I fancy this guy? I went Yuck no lol, Men isn't my thing. I was thinking in my
mind I perfer women, I just didn't wanted the whole world to know. I had some lessons how to canoe and I only knew the foward
stroke. It was hard work, my arms was aching. I am glad that was over with, I wish I chose bell boating now lol, coz that
would of been alot easier when there is 10 in a boat coz its double.
After that then I chose to do archery, at first i wasn't so good at it, but when I kept practising,
I've got better at it. I refused to do abseiling, because I'm scared of heights and I didn't want to do shooting, so I didn't
do them. Then after the day was over, my support worker walked me to my bus stop from there and it went into town, when I
got there, the bus driver kicked me off, because i had to change bus stops, the routes has changed now.
Next Morning I woke up with aching arms, because the canoe boats done them in.
Then after that we had our lunch. I talked to this other Autistic girl
which she has the same problem as me, their is different degrees of Autism. She was very chatty and I'm shy, so I can have
the opossite as her. I didn't think she was autistic, because she looked normal and so do I, so thats why people
don't believe me when i tell them, but at least my tutor knows.