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Beaumanor Hall 2004
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Beaumanor Hall

On induction 2004 last year we went to Beaumanor Hall with Level 2 group.
first thing we did when we got there, we went into small groups. I had a map in my hand and a pencil, I didn't really want to take the lead, because I was stuck in what to do. We had to find the numbers on things and tick it off the list and circle it on the map. We did it until half way thru the morning and had to meet back again.

After that we did some other activies. We did some team building with sticks and if it calopsed then we had to start again until time was out. We never got it finished. At least we tried. I felt left out, because its hard to take part in those kind of thing.
Then after that we had some lunch. I watched students playing bastetball while i was eating, I thought the ball would hit me lol, I didn't feel so safe. 

After dinner we went onto the ski things, but its not in water, instead we did it on the grass, i couldn't lift it up very well. It was difficult. Then we also did another game called blind fold, the person had a blind fold on her, she had to pick up the ball while the rest of the team telling her where to go and giving her directions and then she had to put the ball into the box.
Then after all 4 activies  were done, we went home and caught the coach back to college.
