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My Pets
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My Pets


This is my bird, his name was Peter, and he died last year of old age, I had him for 23 years. My bird use to eat bread, seeds and biscuits. He was grey, orange and white. He was a cocketieral.



This is my rabbit Snowy, she died years ago. Also my black rabbit died on 20th March 2007, so I have no pets left now.


This is my Dog called Poochie, He ran away from home and never been seen again. My nana now has a similar dog to this one, but slightly smaller than Poochie was.  I also use to have  2 cats, they were ginger and white and another one was black and white. I was a year old then.  We also used to have goldfish, when they died, my dad used to flush them down the toilot. Now I only have one rabbit called Percy.



This is a picture of my cat when i at 7/8 months old. She ran away from home a long time ago, but it was never found again.


This is me at the farm gaining some experience with animals.


This is me when I was 12 years old doing horse riding in my PE lessons.
some of the tricks i learned on the horse i really hated, because when it jumped over the pole thing and i thought i was gonna fall off.
I also hated doing the back trick as well.
We did had packed lunch before doing the horse riding lessons. We did that lesson dueing PE sessons for 9 weeks.